D-Quality Survey BV offers quality assurance training courses in the field of fruit and vegetables. The target groups for these training courses are: logisticians, buyers/sellers and quality controllers. The training can be fully customised to the specific needs of the customer, taking into account the purpose of the training course and the knowledge the trainees already have. During the training the theory is discussed, after which the participants will put theory into practice under supervision of the instructor.
Training courses can be provided at your location, in our office or at another location, if so desired. Aside from the products, attention is paid to the way in which products should be packaged, how products can best be cooled and which products may or may not be stored together with other products and under what temperatures.
Additionally, the method of reporting and the way in which reports are presented to your customers, suppliers and producers may be given specific attention.
If you are interested in our quality assurance training courses, please ask us about the possibilities.
Training on location

Worldwide training
In order to serve our clients also globally we have located our offices strategically around the globe where we work with our own inspectors. These offices are located in Brazil, Dubai, Egypt, Germany, Kuwait, The Netherlands and South Africa.
From our office in Dubai we have inspectors constantly in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. In Germany we work, beside Hamburg, frequently in Bremerhaven and Wilhelmshaven. In Brazil, South Africa and Egypt we carry out mainly inspections in the production lines.
We can provide training anywhere, which makes DQS your partner at any place in the world.